Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Kelompok Studi Penelitian “Principium” Law Faculty, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta presents:

Seminar Internasional
“International Conflict: International Law, Human Rights, and Political Interest”

Time and Vanue: September, 17th 2011
3rd Hall of Law Faculty, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta (Aula gd.3 FH UNS)
1. Representative of International Committee of The Red Cross (Perwakilan ICRC di Indonesia).
2. Representative of Directorate of Asia Pacific and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affair Indonesia (Direktorat Asia Pasifik dan Afrika Kementrian Luar Negri Indonesia).
3. International Academics on International Relation (Akademisi Internasional bidang Hubungan Internasional).
4. National Academics of Human Right (Akademisi nasional bidang Hak Asasi Manusia).

A. Student
1. Early Bid : Rp 60.000,00 until September, 1st 2011
2. 2nd Phase Bid : Rp 80.000,00 until September, 14th 2011
3. On the spot : Rp 100.000,00

B. General
1. Early Bid : Rp 100.000,00 until September, 1st 2011
2. 2nd Phase Bid : Rp 125.000,00 until September, 14th 2011
3. On the Spot : Rp 150.000,00

Payment Detail
Early Bid, max on September, 5th 2011
2nd Phase Bid, max on September, 15th 2011

Payment method:
Transfer : a.n Galuh Wahyu Kumalasari
BRI Branch Blora 0010 0010-01-020409-50-0

Directly to the committee at Secretariat of KSP “Principium”
3RD Floor of 1st building, Law Faculty
Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta

Cp: Indri (registration officer) 081949603331
Bayu (event officer) 0817250152
Rizka (registration officer) 08563490376

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